Why Berlin NVC?

Nonviolent Communication has had a massively positive affect on our lives. After taking an excellent introductory course in 2018 we wanted to continue learning and practising NVC in English. So we decided to start up a nonprofit organisation to bring NVC in English to Berlin. 
We feel passionate about spreading the message of NVC and hope that you can join us!

What can NVC bring to your life?

Marshall Rosenberg believed that from a young age our society teaches us to communicate in a way that is unfulfilling and harmful to both us and others around us. Such as feelings of guilt, shame and judgment amongst others.He wanted to communicate in a way that was closer to his own values. To communicate with our selves and others compassionately to enrich each others lives.

We believe that NVC is a gift to our lives. It has enabled us to have more fulfilling relationships with the people we care about. It has taught us to resolve conflict in a way which takes care of both our self and the other person. Whether it is family, friends, work colleagues or people we meet on the street NVC offers us a way that doesn’t judge, doesn’t inflame the situation, but looks for a mutual resolution. NVC teaches us about ourselves what we feel in a difficult  situation and what need is being unmet when we feel that way. NVC is not a dogma, it is a tool to help us bring peace into our lives now and in the future. 

Please contact us for more information

Our founders

Ethan Hermon

Entrepreneur and student of Nonviolent Communication in Berlin

Tim Bishop

Former company director. Now a stay at home father and student of Nonviolent communication in Berlin.