Introduction to conflict resolution
Sabina Arevalo Hernandez & Boris Lippe - OnlineWhat is Nonviolent communication (NVC) ? NVC is a simple and extremely powerful form of communication that supports us in improving our relationships with the people around us. It allows us to see what actually blocks our communication in our relationships and it gives us possibilities what we can do about it. What you can expect this workshop : In this free introduction we create exercises for you to experience Nonviolent communication. Rather than getting into theory this evening is mostly about exploring and experiencing different ways to listen, talk and get inner clarity. Everyone is welcome! People with no experience of Nonviolent Communication and people with experience. We believe it can be inspiring for everyone who is interested in reflecting, exploring and having fun to try new things. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 845 4404 5912 Passcode: 536715
UNFOLDING ANGER | Discover the Beauty within
Andrea Steidl - ONLINEWhat should be beautiful about anger?! And didn't you hear 'don't be angry' X times in your life? I'll tell you something wonderful - anger has become one of my loyal friends and treasures of life. Recognizing, allowing and self-expressing it, I categorize as selfcare. How you can establish a nourishing and valuable relationship with this quality of yours, guided by a simple concept and thus experience its inherent beauty, you will enable yourself in this workshop. Zoom-Meeting Meeting-ID: 823 8625 7701 Password: 2222
Introduction to Conflict Resolution – Special Edition for Couples
Sabina Arevalo Hernandez & Boris Lippe - ONLINEIn this special edition of the introduction workshop we would like to focus on couples in intimate relationships.
Introduction to Conflict Resolution – Self Connection & Honesty
Sabina Arevalo Hernandez & Boris Lippe - ONLINEFocus on Self connection and Honesty - The Art of connecting to yourself and expressing yourself
Conflict Resolution Level 1 – 5 Week Course
Sabina Arevalo Hernandez & Boris Lippe - ONLINEAs we believe NVC is more than a cognitive skill, we put a high focus on practicing and making own empathic and emotional experiences. In the course we will work with life examples of the participants - we help you to gain insights into yourself.
NVC LIVE Practice Session
Hybrid - Ethan's place and online Schlessische Str, Berlin, Berlin, GermanyLets practice Giraffe empathy together
Introduction to Conflict Resolution – Empathy
Sabina Arevalo Hernandez & Boris Lippe - ONLINEFocus on Empathy- The Art of Listening
NVC LIVE Practice Session
Hybrid - Ethan's place and online Schlessische Str, Berlin, Berlin, GermanyLets practice NVC!
Introduction to Conflict Resolution – Self Connection & Honesty
Sabina Arevalo Hernandez & Boris Lippe - ONLINEFocus on Self connection and Honesty - The Art of connecting to yourself and expressing yourself
NVC LIVE Practice Session
Hybrid - Ethan's place and online Schlessische Str, Berlin, Berlin, GermanyLets practice NVC!
Self-Empathy Method with Dan Rona
Hybrid - Ethan's place and online Schlessische Str, Berlin, Berlin, GermanyNVC Trainer Dan Rona's Self-Empathy Method Workshop for those times when we feel overwhelmed.
NVC LIVE Practice Session
Hybrid - Ethan's place and online Schlessische Str, Berlin, Berlin, GermanyLets practice NVC!