NVC Certification Candidate Practice Group/Pod
Zoom onlineInviting NVC certification candidates to create and practice presenting key distinctions with others.
During the meeting we will spend 15-20 minutes writing a key distinction of our choice and then another 21 minutes in groups of 3 (ideally) to present and receive feedback.
Looking forward! đ
NVC Certification Candidate Practice Group/Pod
Zoom onlineInviting NVC certification candidates to create and practice presenting key distinctions with others.
During the meeting we will spend 15-20 minutes writing a key distinction of our choice and then another 21 minutes in groups of 3 (ideally) to present and receive feedback.
Looking forward! đ
NVC LIVE Practice Session
Zoom onlineOpen to all those who want to practice NVC!
Especially good for people looking for empathy buddies.
Being Presence – NVC Spirituality (Berlin)
Diakonieverein Zehlendorf Bussealle 23, Berlin, GermanyAn exploratory workshop with Bridget Belgrave, Gabriele Seils and Nayoma de Haen Three long time NVC trainers meet and offer their perspectives on the spirituality in NVC. NVC spirituality means to us things like: returning to presence accepting myself as I am a deep sense of connection with myself and all of life openness to the mystery that unfolds within us and between us Join us for inspirations, exercises and meditations to experience and reflect on the spiritual dimensions of NVC. Language: English Prerequisite: The workshop is open to people whoâve done at least 2 days of NVC training. Fee:  Choose from these three options: âŹ130 - âŹ165 - âŹ200 Time: June 29, 10 - 17h Venue: Diakonieverein Zehlendorf, Bussealle 23, Berlin 14163 Sign up here: https://www.gabriele-seils.de/angebote/offene-seminare/2-offene-seminare/80-being-presence-nvc-spiritual.html#appform About the trainers: The three of us met in Berlin in 2023, and found a lot of resonance and joy in sharing our views and experiences of NVC and our life paths. The idea for this workshop emerged from our connection. Bridget Belgrave lives in Oxford, UK. She is an NVC trainer since 1996 and the co-creator of the Dance Floors. Gabriele Seils lives in Berlin. She trains NVC since 2004 and is the co-author of 'Konflikte lösen mit Gewaltfreier Kommunikation' mit Marshall Rosenberg. Nayoma de Haen lives in Berlin. She trains NVC since 2009 and is the co-author of "30 Minuten Gewaltfreie Kommunikation!
NVC Certification Candidate Practice Group/Pod
Zoom onlineInviting NVC certification candidates to create and practice presenting key distinctions with others.
During the meeting we will spend 15-20 minutes writing a key distinction of our choice and then another 21 minutes in groups of 3 (ideally) to present and receive feedback.
Looking forward! đ
Empathy Village picnic
Hey friends! I don't know if you've noticed but it's summer! đ I'm taking the initiative to call for an EMPATHY VILLAGE COMMUNITY PICNIC! WHEN: This Sunday the 7th at 2:30pm. WHERE: Tempelhofer Feld. Find the people wearing giraffe ears on or near the SOUTHWESTERN GRILLPLATZ (official barbecue area, it comes up when you search "grillplatz sĂŒdwest" on Google maps). HOW: potluck style, please bring food to share. Note that I'm vegan and gluten free and a lot of other giraffes will be similarly herbivore. Of course, not everyone has to bring vegan food, but the more we have, the more fun it is to share. I'll also bring an Einweggrill (unless someone wants to bring a proper barbecue, even better) and we can cook some veggie sausages etc. THE PLAN: let's have some fun and connect as a community. An RSVP would be appreciated SIGN UP HERE: https://www.meetup.com/empathy-village/events/301973706/
NVC Certification Candidate Practice Group/Pod
Zoom onlineInviting NVC certification candidates to create and practice presenting key distinctions with others.
During the meeting we will spend 15-20 minutes writing a key distinction of our choice and then another 21 minutes in groups of 3 (ideally) to present and receive feedback.
Looking forward! đ
Dyads in the park
Details DYADS IN THE PARK WHEN: Sunday 14 July, 16:00. Come on time for a presentation on how to do the dyad meditation. We start actual dyads at 16:20. WHERE: Tempelhofer Feld. Find the people wearing giraffe ears NEAR the SOUTHWESTERN GRILLPLATZ (official barbecue area, it comes up when you search "grillplatz sĂŒdwest" on Google maps). RSVP please at https://www.meetup.com/empathy-village/events/301973766/
NVC Certification Candidate Practice Group/Pod
Zoom onlineInviting NVC certification candidates to create and practice presenting key distinctions with others.
During the meeting we will spend 15-20 minutes writing a key distinction of our choice and then another 21 minutes in groups of 3 (ideally) to present and receive feedback.
Looking forward! đ
NVC Certification Candidate Practice Group/Pod
Zoom onlineInviting NVC certification candidates to create and practice presenting key distinctions with others.
During the meeting we will spend 15-20 minutes writing a key distinction of our choice and then another 21 minutes in groups of 3 (ideally) to present and receive feedback.
Looking forward! đ
NVC LIVE Practice Session
Zoom onlineOpen to all those who want to practice NVC!
Especially good for people looking for empathy buddies.
NVC Certification Candidate Practice Group/Pod
Zoom onlineInviting NVC certification candidates to create and practice presenting key distinctions with others.
During the meeting we will spend 15-20 minutes writing a key distinction of our choice and then another 21 minutes in groups of 3 (ideally) to present and receive feedback.
Looking forward! đ